My Little Pony G1 Wiki
My Little Pony G1 Wiki

Scoops in Ice Cream Wars

Scoops is a minor character in My Little Pony 'n Friends. She only appeared in the season two episode Ice Cream Wars. She was voiced by Ellen Gerstell.

Appearance in Ice Cream Wars[]

Scoops runs the Satin Slipper Sweet Shop. When Baby Lickety Spilt wants to get ice cream for the newborn twins, Scoops tells them the Ice Cream makers, Rocky Ripple and Fudgey Mcswain, are mad at each other . Later when the Ice Cream makers are at war, the babies run into the Satin Slipper Sweet Shop. Scoops gives them the last ice cream and they find Rocky’s secret recipe. When the two finally apologize, Scoops starts making Ice Cream again.

Physical Appearance[]

Scoops is a white Earth Pony with a Purple mane and pink eyes. She has a pink ribbon and 3 pink sundaes as her cutie mark.


In the toys, Scoops was a Twice as Fancy pony, meaning that she had her symbol all over her body

The toy version of Scoops comes with the Satin Slipper Sweet Shop.
